24/7 Helplines

Settle Well

Are you having trouble settling your baby?

Is your baby upset even when they have slept and had a feed?

Caring for an unsettled baby is confusing and exhausting.

There are mixed messages about how to support your baby to settle.  Have you noticed that when you walk outside with your unsettled baby they begin to calm down? This is the power of sensory nourishment, which is particularly valuable to babies in the first three months.

So-called overstimulation is an outdated concept. In fact, your baby may be understimulated if spending long periods in a darkened room away from family life.

We will help you to recognise the difference and learn how to include sensory stimulation for baby into your day with ease and confidence.

We will also help you to get out and about during the day and to enjoy socialising with friends and family. Parents report that after a week of being more active with their baby outside the home they feel fulfilled and enjoy parenting more.

Read how we can support you and your baby

Need support? Get in touch now.