24/7 Helplines

Parent Well

Are you finding parenting challenging?

Are you confused by all the conflicting advice?

You will receive contradictory advice about how to care for yourself and your baby.

Well meaning family, friends and professionals will tell you what is “right”. Social media can make it even more confusing. This can quickly lead to you feeling less capable than ever before and experiencing some difficult emotions.

It’s more important to be clear on your values and stay true to them. Reach out to like-minded people by getting out and about and doing things that you enjoy.

Cocoon Baby will support you to find ways to manage these normal, sometimes difficult emotions.

If you feel like you are running on empty and have nothing more to give, it can be helpful to push through the resistance and do something that would normally give you pleasure. Accepting that exhaustion is normal can be helpful too. So be kind to yourself and gift yourself a moment of acceptance. Looking after yourself and your baby is not as easy as following a list of rules or watching the clock.

Cocoon Baby considers your family unit holistically, recognising that the main domains of feeding, sleeping and settling are directly linked to parental wellbeing. We will work with you to optimise all domains and help you to thrive.

Read how we can support you and your baby

Need support? Get in touch now.